
Monday, October 20, 2008

This Motherhood is Bliss!

Do you know the definition of "bliss"? According to Webster it means, "complete happiness, blessedness, joy!"

There is no question that children with Down syndrome bring joy to the lives of everyone they touch. Parents of children with Down syndrome report the greatest level of parental satisfaction than any other parents. The one word I hear most often from parents of children with Down syndrome is "blessed"!

This morning, a woman dropping her child off at my boys' "special" school complemented me on how adorable my beautiful boys were. I don't know if her child had "special needs" or is "typically developing" as the school promotes an integrated environment which, by the way, I believe wholeheartedly in and is the reason I chose the school. Regardless, her complement caught me in a whirlwind of my own feelings. I suddenly found myself exclaiming -- with overwhelming joy like I've never felt before and nearly laughing with pleasure -- how absolutely amazed I am every single day at this gift I've been blessed with! I thrive on the happiness and love and joy they bring me... just being their mother. I am in awe of these 2 beautiful human beings. (She might have thought I was crazy but I think, mostly, she agreed, I'm blessed!)

Well, here's another mother who, from watching this video, I know feels EXACTLY the same way I do. My heart aches with joy for myself, for her and for all of us blessed with a child (or two) with Down syndrome.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful. Thank you for sharing the video and your wonderful words.
