Here I am again, specifically thinking about what I'm thankful for on Thankful Thursday... and feeling good about all my choices. That IS what this is all about isn't it? Feeling good! So, contemplating the good things in my life really does keep me Walking on the Happy Side.
[1] I'm thankful for the brain God gave me and for the 20-year career I've had in database/direct marketing. My ability to learn and the knowledge I already have makes me feel good about myself. And, some things are better at reminding me that I'm an intelligent being... like the internet marketing seminar I attended yesterday. And, I bet I'll feel even more thankful when I put the information I learned yesterday into action ; )
[2] I'm thankful for the heat in my home. Nothing reminds me more of this than waking up before the morning heat has kicked in, suddenly realizing how very cold it would be in my home if I didn't have heat. So, thank God for the boiler, for the earth's natural gas and for my husband's job so we can pay for that gas.
[3] I'm always thankful for my children... but I'd like to shout that out again... THANK GOD FOR MY BEAUTIFUL CHILDREN! We spoke as a family in one of the local college classes this week (as we do every semester at 4 local colleges) advocating individuality and acceptance on behalf of people with Down syndrome and other special needs. And, once again, my children were absolute angels and outstanding ambassadors for all people with Down syndrome. I'm sure that the 30+ students who met Brian, Michael and Olivia will never forget them or the experience.
[4] I'm thankful to be able to lay down at night on a soft bed, in a warm room and sleep. God knows not everyone in this world, country or town has that luxury... Our military forces abroad, people living in poverty all over the world, new mothers tending to sleepless babies and so many more. I want to acknowledge how much I appreciate it and hope that those who are less fortunate are afforded this comfort soon.
[5] I'm thankful to be able to write this blog and have people who care enough about me or what I have to say to read it. It is an outlet for me and one I'm very lucky to have. It's my physical reminder to Take a Walk on The Happy Side!
I am thankful for you, Maggie. And your beautiful children. I am thankful to know you.