[1] I'm thankful for that 55 degree day we had earlier this week. It makes me know in my brain -- because I sure don't feel it in my bones since it's barely hit 20 degrees since then -- that Spring is actually going to arrive someday! Soon hopefully! I'm not buying into the "6 more weeks of Winter" just because Puxatawny Phil saw his shadow. (BTW - Was that before or after he bit the Mayor? LOL) The world is right. Not about Mayor Bloomberg and the groundhog but about it being cold in February. Little hints of what's to come always makes me happy with anticipation. Better get the ice skates out before it's too late!
[2] Have you tried Facebook? I am a bit worried that it might suck up too much of my hallowed "free" time. But, I can't say it's been a waste of my time because I've caught up with a lot of old friends, reconnected with former acquaintances and even made a number of new friends. It also helps me stay in touch with people of like mind (read: shared hobbies or situations) that I wouldn't otherwise be thinking about... like SCUBA! So, I'm thankful there's Facebook to keep me connected with those I wouldn't/couldn't otherwise even find.
[3] I'm thankful for Campbell's Selects soup (2 points on WW ). If it weren't for Campbell's I'd actually have to come up with something else for lunch. That means more time and effort (and probably more WW points) that I don't want to use up focused on food. Yup, today is really just another opportunity to TRY and lose some weight. Thank God for Campbell's, then. And, for my persistence (which, sadly, is mostly without reward, so far)!
[4] I'm pretty glad I'm me. It's taken 46 years but I sorta think I'm an OK person. That's HUGE for me. That doesn't mean I'm not working on improvements. It means I've accepted who I am, what I am, just the way I am... not just for today but, at least for today.
[5] Thank God for like-minded and like-situation friends. I just heard from a new old friend (via telephone... how old-fashioned) who happens to have a child with Down syndrome also. It's comforting to know I'm not alone and that she's comforted by knowing the same.
Come to think of it, whether you SCUBA dive or your child has DS or not, we're all really in this together... aren't we?
Yes Maggie we all in this together, this little thing we like to call "life". Great blog. Oh and by the way... I love about 20 minutes away from Punsxy Phil, he's my neighbor...and I've never gone to a Groundhog Day event!!