
Thursday, April 23, 2009


I've said this before but it warrants repeating... Some days are harder than others to be thankful. But, those are the days where being mindful of what I've got is the only thing that lifts my overburdened spirits back to their rightful place... Today is one of those days, so here goes:

[1] I'm thankful for the husband I have, that he is the man I chose to marry, and that we are here, still standing together and, most of the time, still laughing at our trials and tribulations on a daily basis. Honestly, our day to day lives can be a bit tough but everyone has their burdens to bear and mine would be harder without this man to share my life -- and burdens -- with. I'm sure I'm just as happy as the kids when his car pulls in the driveway and we all think -- if not scream -- "Yeah, Daddy's home!

[2] I'm thankful that I can still and always manage to hang on to the notion that SOMEDAY I'll be able to squeeze in some exercise time, lose some weight, and maybe feel and be a healthy person again. I am living in a body that does not reflect on the outside who I am (or was or want to be) on the inside. It's a constant mental and physical struggle to be the physical me that I am. That's not good, psychologically or physically. Still, I do recognize that my time will come again. I KNOW it! And, that hope shines bright in my future and is what keeps me going. (Rereading that, it sounds sad but it's really not. It's just me having a bad "me" day and recognizing that tomorrow will be a better day!)

[3] I'm thankful that Miss Molly Box, our still newish dog (it's 3 months already), has finally, pretty much stopped having accidents in the house and has also pretty much stopped chewing the kids toys. Yes, we have to be on top of her but it just seems to have gotten easier. It's amazing what challenges we humans can adapt to. Isn't it?

[4] I'm thankful for my FIL's restored health and return home!

[5] I'm thankful that I have blogging as an outlet. God knows I need an accessible one when hearing Willie Nelson's "Always On My Mind" sends tears rolling down my cheeks. The man in the next car must have thought I was losing it. LOL! Truly, if I weren't laughing at myself, I might start crying [again].

Think Thankful. It helps!

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