
Monday, May 18, 2009

ANGELS AMONGST US - The Good Out Shines The Bad

Sometimes we are able to recognize the good only when it out shines the bad. And so it is with the Angels Amongst Us that I am recognizing today.

As new members of the Long Island Children's Museum (LICM at, I brought Olivia and one of her friends to build Fairy Houses this weekend -- as always, with Brian and Michael in tow. Happily, fun was had by all. By all, that is, except this one elderly man (notice I left out the prefacing descriptor, "gentle") who appeared to be entertaining his grandchildren for the day. Suffice it to say that his horrid behavior was the backdrop that illuminated the Angels I now wish to pay homage to.

Thanks to all the parents at the LICM who cheered my boys through the "Climb-It" this past Saturday! Who allowed them to exit out the entrance after 45 exhausting minutes of inadvertently missing the turn-offs and dead-ending (it's not one-way once you're inside) despite the best efforts of Olivia and LuLu to direct them to the exit. Thank you, dear parents, for the selflessness, compassion, patience and kindness you showed toward my children. And, thank you for sharing those qualities with your children by asking them to stand aside and/or help my special [needs] little guys finally find their way out of the maze they'd been "stuck" in for so long.

I would, however, like to acknowledge one valid point made by this ill-tempered man: You are right, there are rules to be followed. And, I'm sorry that my children had to exit through the "entrance". But, they did so on my instruction... Certainly, yelling at my 4-year-old twins with Down syndrome was uncalled for. I am an avid rule-follower and, yes, I did break the rules on Saturday... ONLY to facilitate their well-being and safety! While laws and rules govern our society and make this a less chaotic world to live in there are also principles of humanity like compassion, understanding, patience, cooperation, giving and so many other qualities which I dare say you seem to lack.

I only hope, sir, that if you ever find yourself in a situation where you need assistance or special consideration beyond the "rules", that you are surrounded by people NOT like yourself, but like all of the other parents -- Angels Amongst Us -- that kindly helped my boys to safety on Saturday.

Each of us has a choice in life to be a good example or a bad example. Many thanks to the Angels Amongst Us who chose the higher path on Saturday. What a wonderful example you were to all of the children present -- your own, mine and that ill-tempered man's grandchildren as well.

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