
Thursday, June 4, 2009


There's so much... Where do I start?

[1] I'm thankful that, at my age, I still have the strength and stamina to dig out 15 8-10' tall Rose of Sharon bushes donated by a Freecycler to plant in my yard as a hedge.

[2] I'm thankful for the girlfriends I can call when I feel like I just need a friend -- whether to talk or to listen -- just another human being who understands where I am without my really having to say it.

[3] I'm thankful for the experience of the parents who have gone before me and are good enough to share their trials and tribulations with me so that, once again, I know that I'm not alone and it will all be OK in the end... Thanks Steve!

[4] I am ever so grateful for the rain this week. While it certainly put a damper on my daytime activities, it also put a damper on the 5:15am wake up calls to go walking with my sister. I love the walk but I needed the sleep... this week.

[5] I'd like to thank all the military people who serve both here and abroad to help protect me, my family and every American... My deepest gratitude to those who spend their lives ensuring that all Americans are free and safe each day. Those who choose to serve are certainly Angels Amongst Us (watch for my next Angels post). Thanks, specifically, to Rachel and her husband, who serves in the US Coast Guard stationed here on Long Island, and to Marko, retired Marine Corps. They and their families have sacrificed much by volunteering to serve in the United States Armed Forces and I am very thankful and proud of them.

And, finally, it's time for bed... Thank God!


  1. Wow! I like you're outlook. Such a good thing. I look forward to following your blog. Please visit us at

  2. Maggie,
    Just tripped over your blog and wanted to make you aware of our reading program for children with Down syndrome. It is called eReadingPro and can be found at: Feel free to email me if you have any questions about it, as I would be happy to address them.

    Warm Regards,
