
Tuesday, August 11, 2009

More Fun = More Happiness

I think I need to plan more fun stuff to do in between the things I HAVE to do in my life. Quoting my happiness Guru, Gretchen Rubin, over at The Happiness Project:

Writer Jean Stafford scoffed, “Happy people don’t need to have fun,” but in fact, studies show that the absence of feeling bad isn’t enough to make you feel good -- you must strive to find sources of feeling good. Regularly having fun is a key factor in having a happy life; people who have fun are twenty times more likely to feel happy.

The thing is, the planning of fun extracurricular activities is hard sometimes because the actual planning takes the fun out of the adventure before it even gets started. I've always been good at impromptu fun so I'm going to try fitting some more of that into my life. But, I'm also going to plan some fun stuff way in advance so that the aggravation of planning subsides before the fun begins.

I'm in the early stages of planning a fun RV/camping vacation (I think) with some great old friends and all our kids NEXT August... because the trip we planned for THIS August (this weekend) is losing it's fun factor with all the complications that come along with last minute alternate obligations and pet care. It's actually become worse than planning our wedding! I'm sure, like my wedding, once we get there it'll be fun for all. And, next year's trip sounds like it's going to be a blast!!!

So there's something fun to look forward to anyway!

When I was single, fun came naturally. Now, planning Fun-For-a-Family-of-5 is not so much fun. It's the planning that bogs me down. Anybody else feel this way? Still, based on the above quote and my own wedding planning experience... Planning for fun is a worthy endeavor!

1 comment:

  1. Planning is a lot of work. But you're right about planning for fun being a worthy endeavor.
    I remember planning our trip to the Philippines to visit my family and friends in 2006. Finding and booking flights was not fun especially with how much it cost. What a hectic schedule we had because everyone wanted to see us! But all in all, it was well-worth it and I would do it again (with some modifications in our planning).
