
Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Special Exposure Wednesday - New Life at the Zoo

The Boys and my Old Soul discover a family of Mountain Gorillas
at the Bronx Zoo (excuse the butt). Note the Mama is expecting ;o)!

A Mom. A Dad. An older sibling. New baby on the way.
We living things are all so much the same despite our differences...

Arent' we?

Click here for more Special Exposure Wednesdays at 5 Minutes For Special Needs!


  1. is that not just right and they may be watching us as much as we are watching them

  2. very true. I almost got a similar butt showing picture last night with Hunter in the pool but he pulled up his shorts when the camera was mentioned

  3. great pic! I love the idea of blogging in pursuit of happiness (hope I remembered it right). What a great idea to focus on the positive moments in our lives. I too believe that angels are the people that walk into your life when you feel as though everyone else has checked out. Happy WW!

  4. I'm hoping there is glass between them!

  5. What a great photo! We are zoo lovers and go whenever we can. I just love to enjoy all of the creatures that God has made (except for the spiders - I skip those!).

  6. We love going to the zoo as well. My son's favorite animal was the gorilla.

  7. Ahhh, I need to head back out to the Bronx Zoo. I was surprised that Kayla actually walked through the gorilla exhibit. Most of the other exhibits I had to carry her because she was afraid of the dark. Summer is running out too quickly!

  8. Wow -- it looks like they are right there! I really like how your kids are almost silhouettes and the gorillas are in the background and full light.

    Zoo trips are great!
