
Thursday, September 17, 2009


God knows having children -- any children, but maybe especially children with special needs --puts a great weight on mothers to do more, try harder and go that extra mile to help our children accomplish even the smallest milestone, task or rite of passage. Speaking for myself, nothing is taken for granted and every developmental step is won with blood, sweat and tears. For the past 7+ years, my life has been dedicated to the care of my 3 children -- 2 of whom were born with Down syndrome... my 4-year-old identical twin boys, Brian and Michael. As such, I willingly put my wants and needs temporarily on the sideline to attend to the needs of my children. But, beginning today, without sacrificing any of my efforts on behalf of my children (because they attend full-time preschool), I'm happy to announce that I'm coming off the bench and getting in the game again. I'm doing something for me!

I'm working my way towards being the biggest loser starting today... a Weight Watchers loser, that is. So, my thankful list is in keeping with this exciting theme...

[1] I'm thankful for the opportunity to finally be able to do something good for myself without the guilt of having to sacrifice time with, money for, or attention to my family.

[2] I'm grateful that this opportunity has finally presented itself while I'm still physically able to take advantage of it. I'm not so far gone, not too old, not too fat and not too mentally lost (I hope, LOL) to make a come back on my own behalf.

[3] I'm am ever so thankful that I've had the wondrous opportunity to spend these last 7 years totally focused on my children without having to be torn in half working, like so many others. I can't say some of the sacrifices weren't difficult but I've been incredibly lucky to be able to stay home with my babies.

[4] I'm thankful beyond words that my boys have grown and developed so well that they are able to attend an integrated pre-school with their typically developing peers. This is nothing short of the Amazing Grace of God.

[5] I am beyond thankful to all the people who have dedicated their lives to helping Brian and Michael and to helping ME to help them achieve as much as they have... all working together! And, I'm thankful for all the people down at Weight Watchers who are about to help me succeed so well on this new journey.

Every day is a new day. Live it to the fullest!


  1. Yeah Maggie! Sometimes doing for one's own self brings happiness to all those around you. I am positive that THIS is one of those things. Seeing you happy with and in yourself will make everyone around you happy for you too thereby making everybody MAYBE you are secretly doing it for everyone else! Hmmmmmm...something to ponder.

  2. Maggie,
    You've helped me redefine love with this site and your life. All the best always


  3. I love Weight Watchers! I used it after my oldest was born and also after the twins were born. I've lost 20 out of the 30 pounds I set out to lose this time. I'm stuck right now trying to lose the last ten but I have a plan. Good luck with WW. It's a great program!

  4. Woohoooo.... a better woman than I. Perhaps I am too old now- menopause takes a toll!

  5. Good Luck to you Maggie, I hope that by coming here and reading your progress it will motivate me to do the same thing. I sure know that having five children, two with special needs myself, had taken a toll on my weight and my mom-ME time.
