I have been remiss in keeping up with my blogging/posting amidst my other critical responsibilities. My apologies. I guess I'm still one of those "Women Who Do Too Much" despite having read that book and supposedly internalized those lessons. That said, I'm in training for how to say no... or at least setting and HOLDING to my boundaries. In the meantime, while I learn (dare I say re-learn) this invaluable tool, I'm trying to scrape clean my overfilled plate. Too bad it's not like an all-you-can-eat salad bar where someone takes the plate that's full of the leftovers you don't want and you get to go back for seconds with a fresh new plate. I'm stuck with the plate I have and there's a bunch of leftovers that are not palatable to me. Next time I'll choose more carefully....
[1] I'm thankful for the weekend vacation that starts at 6am tomorrow morning when I get behind the wheel of my mini-van -- my new old pop-up and children in tow -- and drive off to Hershey, PA for a camping/amusement park trip with a great group of friends I positively adore. I'm really looking forward to the break though I'm sorry that hubby was unable to join us. I guess the crime rate in the Bronx is too high to let the Sarg take a day off... But I bet he'll make good use of the peace and quiet that comes with an empty house... I know I would if I had the chance LOL!
[2] I'm grateful to my Mom for taking on the job of medicating and moisturizing Miss Molly Boxer's eyes while the Sarg is at work and we are in camp. Without functional tear ducts, poor Miss Molly can't go more than a few hours without moisturizing lest her corneas dry out and abscess. Lovely, right? As squeamish as she is about eye-stuff, Mom's offered to come in once or twice a day so that Molly doesn't have to go to the vet while I'm gone. Otherwise, she'd be caged for the weekend again (which is always a set-back behaviorally for Molly). Thanks Mom. I cannot tell you how grateful I am. I know it's not easy for you to do this on so many levels. But, I do appreciate it. I promise I won't go away again for a long time.
[3] I'm afraid to be thankful for the health of my 2 remaining goldfish. We were on a run there with 3 fish surviving for more than a month... then we lost Taily Poe yesterday. Fin McCool and Dottie seem to be doing well. I'm grateful. It pains me to lose them... I know what you're saying, they're only gold fish... but they're my gold fish and my responsibility. So, I'm grateful for the 2 that have survived thus far. I hope their good health continues... (from my keyboard to God's ears, please!)
[4] I'm grateful for the opportunity to speak again at the local colleges, beginning with Molloy College this Tuesday evening. I speak on behalf of people with Down syndrome... for their acceptance into society and the respect they deserve as contributing members of society... and as human beings. Obviously, with Brian and Michael being blessed with an extra 21st chromosome, this is an important issue for me... I am thankful to have a voice and that I am able to carry this message for all those who cannot.
[5] I'm grateful for the wherewithal to continue tracking my food intake and my ongoing weight loss via the Weight Watchers program. Though I missed the meeting this week (see intro above about full plates), it appears I've lost a pound or two according to my bathroom scale. Hopefully, next week, when I get back to a manageable schedule and my regular WW meeting, that will prove true and then some.
Peaceful dreams to all.
Beautiful list. I think #4 is great! And that photo of the boys is adorable, what total sweethearts!!!