In the quiet hours between dusk and dawn, especially on this particular night -- Christmas Eve -- it is easy to remember all the blessings in my life. The greatest of these by far, are the 4 people sleeping soundly and peacefully upstairs with visions of Santa Claus dancing in their heads while I wrap their gifts and tuck them under our tree. (I know at least one of them is dreaming of a BMW and, unfortunately, he isn't going to get it again this year... Sorry Sarge!)
I have so much.... SOOO MUCH to be thankful for!
[1] Thank You God for the 3 wondrous little people you have entrusted to me to raise up into beautiful big people. My wise Old Soul and these awesome little boys are nothing short of MIRACLES... and I am honored to be their mother. I hope and pray that I can do the job justice.
[2] Thank you, also, for sending me the Sarge at just the right moment and exactly when I needed him. I am lucky to have found and married such a gentle and kind man... and I'd pick him all over again tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow.
[3] Thanks too, for the wonderful parents you entrusted me to. They have given me so many amazing gifts including the ability to love, to believe, to live, to laugh and to care.... deeply about and for others. They have been and continue to be phenomenal teachers and I love them both more than I could ever express.
[4] I am grateful beyond words for my siblings. My sisters and brother have always provided me with the strength to deal with anything that comes my way and they do so with undying love and incredible good humor. I don't say it often enough but I feel it every minute of every day... I love you guys!
[5] And, I'm thankful for the truly GREAT friends that decorate my life. I consider myself incredibly lucky to have been blessed with all the loving and caring people You've sent my way. Here's to all my friends -- past, present and future -- and all the love and support they've provided throughout the years. I hope that someday I can reciprocate in kind.
[Bonus] Finally, where would I be without all of the amazing creatures that have found their way into our lives? Every single one of our pets are just exactly the right fit for our family. Csiba, Molly, Tippy, Willow and Dottie continue to enhance our lives with their wild antics, endearing personalities and undying affection. Life would not be nearly as much fun without them!
A life is not measured by the stuff you have but by the love you share. I have heartfelt LOVE in my life every single day. I feel like one of the luckiest people on earth! And with such amazing wealth in my life, want to know what's on my Christmas wish list (besides the BMW for Sarge)? More laughter, more love and more of the blessed life I've been living... surrounded by people with whom I can share all of these gifts.
I wish the same for each of you! Truly, there's no better way to live!
Merry Christmas to you! It is an absolute joy to read your blog.
ReplyDeleteA merry Christmas and peaceful, joyous New Year to you and your family! Thank you for sharing!