
Sunday, July 11, 2010

Life Is Short!

"FAST LANE Volume 1 @ Yahoo! Video

I wish they had this in Penn Station when I was commuting. You can bet I'd take THAT Fast Lane EVERY SINGLE DAY! I mean, seriously.... Why walk when you can glide through life?

Never pass on an opportunity to have a little fun!

Watch the video by clicking the pic and think about it... seriously. Then click the back arrow when you're done and let me know if you'd jump on or pass! And whether you think you'd regret passing if that was your choice...

Personally, I can't imagine having any regrets for taking this path of least resistance and more fun!


  1. That's awesome! I would love to take that route. Some of the looks on people's faces were too funny!

  2. oH i hope I would do it!!! If I were with my kids I know they would get me to!!

    I loved the mom going down with her little boy.

  3. it might depend on what I was wearing, but yeah definitely going down that slide.

  4. That would be such fun in Crystal City, VA... that escalator is 10 stories high! I'm in... thanks for sharing...

    Twitter: SolarChief

  5. Our whole family would definitely be in!! We've been going down the slide at the pool all summer.

  6. Sure looks fun to me :)
