
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Potty TrainED (as in past tense)

We are SOOOOO there! 
Potty Trained (except for #2 which they ONLY do 1x/day at home)!
The timed interval method using a gymboss worked wonders for The Boys!  Want to know more?  Let me know if you're interested via a comment on how I got my identical twin boys who happened to have been blessed with Down syndrome to move from diaps to undies in less than 4 months (with a hospital hiatus in between)!

See more Special Exposures at 5 Minutes For Special Needs


  1. Wow! Four months?! It was much harder with Beth. Course, that was 20 years ago and we didn't have a gymboss. What a huge hurdle you've jumped! Congratulations!

  2. Positively wonderful! I remember wondering if it would ever happen around here-- years ago. The photo makes me smile.

  3. I would love to know more details! Trying to train my 5 year old going on 6, he has Down Syndrome and Autism.

  4. HAHAHA! That expression made me laugh out loud!!! SO CUTE!

  5. do share the secret please. :-) We're going to attempt potty training Marissa. I literally just blogged about it yesterday. ;-) Good timing to catch this post (on my part anyway. hehe

  6. congrats on getting them both potty trained! He looks so proud of himself too :)

  7. Great pic! And that is awesome about the potty training. We used interval training with our son and it really made all the difference.

  8. That's a cute picture!
    Please share all the details of how you managed to train both boys in four months!!!!

  9. YAY for being potty trained!! Great photo too.

  10. whoo hoo! congrats on getting them potty trained!
