
Sunday, December 19, 2010

We Moved To WordPress

Visit us at Take a Walk on The Happy Side on Wordpress.


  1. I'm still building up my courage. Did everything you post on Blogger transfer? Did you have to change picture server? (I use Picasa)Did it correct English mistakes?

    For a special holiday memory, check out my other blog. Click on the Rockin' Chair Reflections picture and read about: Christmas Miracle - 27 Puppies and Teddies

  2. Sharlene -- Best move I ever made. I'm sorry I left followers behind (Wordpress doesn't have that) and subscribers but Blogger screwed that up and couldn't "find" mine so, while they usually transfer, mine did not. Don't know why I waited so long. I love it over there and I don't even know the half of the capabilities... yet! Please visit my new site and subscribe so we can stay in touch. Meanwhile, I'm going to check out your rockin' chair reflections.
