
Tuesday, June 16, 2009

BELIEVE - No One Can Know The Limits Of Another

"1500 years ago, they thought the earth was flat. 500 years ago, they knew the earth was the center of the universe, and 15 minutes ago you were sure we were alone on this planet. Imagine what we'll know tomorrow!" In one of Michael's favorite movies, Men In Black (ok, collective gasp that my children watch this movie regularly), these words were spoken by Tommy Lee Jones (Agent K) in an attempt to recruit Will Smith (Agent J) into the Men in Black.

In real life, 50 years ago, our children would have been institutionalized for life. Today, people like Mitchell Levitz hold responsible corporate positions, live independently, publish books and stand as capable advocates for all people with Down syndrome.

Brian and Michael are 4-year-old identical twins who happened to have been blessed with an extra 21st chromosome. Along with me and their older sister, Brian and Michael meet with students at local colleges who are planning careers working with children with special needs, advocating on behalf of all children with Down syndrome. They do this at 4 years of age! Imagine what they'll be doing tomorrow!


  1. Brian and Michael are adorable. And I couldn't support you more in the sentiment of "imagine what they'll be doing tomorrow!"

  2. they are so cute! Lucky you, you are so blessed!

  3. I commend you and your family for the work that you do with students planning a career in working with children with special needs. That's a wonderful idea!!
