
Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Special Exposure Wednesday: Deep Thoughts From The "Old Soul"

My Old Soul was practicing writing her bubble letters today, in green of course, and made a big sign with her very own, original deep thought (you remember those from SNL?):

"If There's Nothing You Can Do, Do It!"

There's much wisdom in that statement!


  1. Extremely wise and beautiful, wow!

  2. What pretty pictures! Thanks for stopping by my blog on this Wordless Wednesday. The pic is not my dog but it something mine would do. She got caught in the corner near the end table and I had to move the table so she could get out she was trying to be like the cat! LoL

  3. Great pictures! Sounds like she is very wise!

  4. Beautiful pics! Thanks for visiting my blog today. Happy WW!

  5. She does look like she was deep in thought! Thanks for your comment! I've got your blog bookmarked now :)
