
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Half of a Hair Cut

They FINALLY let me cut their hair for summer!
Here's what they would look like if they chose different styles...
Not looking so identical now! LOL

Not to worry, I did finish the job!

Click for more Special Exposure Wednesdays on 5 Minutes For Special Needs!


  1. Phew! It brought me back to the days my mom used to literally use a bowl on my head to do my hair... I learned to love kerchiefs!... come visit when you can...

    Twitter: SolarChief

  2. wow - I'm impressed with the hair cutting skills and the salad on the boys plates. I don't cut their hair (not even bangs) because I didn't want them to think they should ever do it themselves. It's something special reserved for the stylist.

  3. oh my... they are so cute! do they cry or get upset at getting a haircut? Noah screams.

  4. did well. my brothers never smiled like that after my mom would cut their hair...they usually cried! your boys are so stinking adorable!

  5. I tried to cut one of my kids hair once - it did not go well. We had to go to the hairdresser the next day to get the job fixed!

  6. CUTE. Those smiles make me want to squeeze and tickle those cute boys SO bad. Just to hear the giggles. So cute.

  7. So cute, I just want to laugh with them too.

  8. God they are so darn cute!
