
Monday, July 19, 2010

You Think I Have Down Syndrome All The Time!

My boys don't have Down syndrome when they're eating at Wendy's, their favorite restaurant!

The story linked below was forwarded to me through a yahoo group I belong to of families with multiples where one or more has Down syndrome... like me/mine. I'm linking it here because it was just too good not to share. I'd have reprinted it but Dave Hingsburger, blogger and advocate for those with disabilities, has a creative commons copyright on his blog... so I'm sending you directly over to him to read this extraordinary story... A story EVERY parent of a child with Down syndrome, every body whose life is touched by a child with Down syndrome and everybody who impacts the life of a child with Down syndrome should hear!

Click and read... please.


  1. Maggie - thanks for that link. It was a wonderful blog.

  2. I have forwarded this to my niece, too... wonderful article... thanks for sharing... come visit when you can...

    Twitter: SolarChief

  3. That was fantastic!! I forwarded it to my son's therapists (whom I know will love it too).

  4. This was excellent. So much wisdom from the young man. I'm going to share the link as well. Thanks.

  5. Please do your delicious kids a favor; Stay away from fast food places and garbage food. Give them real nutrition. They deserve the very best. Instead of worthless soda, give them sweet, organic carrot juice.

  6. Thanks for the insightful link. I have shared it with my family and friends.

    On another subject, my kids would have spit that sweet, organic carrot juice all over the table!

    Sometimes a blissful hour spent at the beach is a better use of our limited time than an hour spent in the kitchen chopping a pile of fresh veges. Maggie, after what you have just been through, you deserve an occasional dinner out at Wendy's, guilt free!


  7. Thanks Catherine. My kids would spit out the sweet organic carrot juice too! At this point, I'm just thankful that my very healthy and growing boys are even willing to eat anything -- Wendys included -- as their food repertoire is not that big despite my best efforts. And what a "normal" activity it is for us to eat out there! They LOVE it! Having children with special needs... this is no small endeavor!

    As for the haircuts -- my guys don't prefer getting their hair cut but they finally allowed me to cut it over going to the salon or barber and having them do it. It's not perfect but it's closer to what I want it to look like than the "pros" have done (always WAAAAAAY too short for my taste)! I will say though, that the pro cuts grow out better LOL!
